How it Works


You can access iLifeHub via any mobile or web enabled device, including integration with voice activated digital assistants.   You will then have all your information, at your fingertips, whenever you need it and within seconds…..just ask iLifeHub.  iLifeHub will send you notifications via SMS text, email, or mobile call.


Data and document entry is effortless, much of which is totally automated with no need for any intervention.  Your data and documents will just be there when you need them.  Any incoming documents are automatically read, digitize for all key information, and filed in the appropriate area with documents automatically renamed to a standard system and applying tag for easy retrieval.  If no actions are needed, you will simply be informed.  If the document needs an action iLifeHub cannot process itself, you will be notified of a pending action and when it needs to be done by.  

Just ask your most personalized, efficient, assistant… ever


Proactive assistance gets you ahead of the game letting you know when you need to get things done, and provides you the information and documents you need. iLifeHub will send you notifications by mobile device, email or connected digital assistant.   

In “Managed mode” use iLifeHub to manage effortlessly change in circumstances or unforeseen events